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Plastic injection molding (injection molding) for the plastic head of the pipe sealing parts



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Plastic injection molding (injection molding) for the plastic head of the pipe sealing parts

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Our company specializes in the production of rubber sealing products, pipe sealing rings, automobile sealing and shock absorption products and various rubber miscellaneous parts.
Keywords:Yifang SealPlastic injection molding (injection molding) for the plastic head of the pipe sealing parts
Plastic molding,Injection molding,Plastic vs. plastic
product description

The plastic bulkhead is processed using plastic as the raw material. As a raw material, plastic is mainly composed of synthetic resin. Plastic pipe caps, pipe plugs, plastic flange covers, and wire protection caps can be molded into a certain shape under certain temperature and pressure conditions, and the shape remains unchanged at room temperature. Because plastic itself has the following characteristics:
1. Wide distribution of mechanical strength and high specific strength: from the point of view of mechanical properties such as hardness, tensile strength, elongation and impact strength of plastic, it has a wide range of distribution and a wide range of use options.
2. Good chemical stability Most plastics have good corrosion resistance to acid, alkali and other chemicals.
3. With reliable electrical insulation performance, ordinary plastic is a poor conductor of electricity, with high surface resistance and volume resistance, which can reach 109-1018 ohms in numerical terms.
4. Bad conductor of heat: It has the function of noise elimination and shock absorption. Generally speaking, the thermal conductivity of plastic is relatively low, equivalent to 1/75-1/225 of steel. The micropores of foam plastic contain gas, and its heat insulation, sound insulation and shock resistance are better.
5. Light weight, relative density between 0.90 and 2.2.
The plastic bulkhead, developed with the above characteristics, is widely used in fields such as automobiles, building materials, IT, and hardware, playing an increasingly important role in people's production and life. Plastic pipe caps, pipe mouth plugs, plastic flange covers, wire protectors, plastic plugs, plastic plugs, steel pipe protectors, steel pipe caps, steel pipe plugs, plastic pipe plugs, plastic pipe plugs, pipe mouth dust plugs, plastic valve covers.

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Yifang quality service

We cherish your every online inquiry, have to ask the answer, with a professional attitude, intimate service.


Professional response to customer problems, put forward the sealing scheme. We have professional technical personnel to provide customers with selection, design and other aspects of technical support. And can try our company's product samples for selection. Yifang aims to provide effective sealing for customers worldwide


Respect customers, take the initiative to serve. Keep your word, to meet the needs of customers for the purpose. Strict control of product quality and delivery time. Prevent defective products from being sent to customers.


Follow up and visit customers, actively respond to customers' questions, and patiently answer customers' questions when using products. If the product quality problems can be implemented return system.

Our customers

At present, the main customers are: Dongfeng Second Automobile, Baoshide, Covus Robot, Hitachi, Dong-A Corporation, Kojima Corporation, Jiangsu Dongcheng Tools and other companies supporting the production of rubber products.




Address: Yangsha East Road, Chengbei Industrial Park, Huilong Town, Qidong City

Tel: +86-513-83691098 83698000

Fax: +86-513-83698018 83691798

E-mail: yfxs@ntrubber.com

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